News #15 Video #4 February 2021 – Pilates Home Exercises, Workout Routine / Sample from Pilates for Golfers Class

Below a short video where I talk you through a sequence of Pilates & Core Strength Exercises. The Pilates Routine is a Home Exercises or Home Workout Routine I created for a group of Golfers, mainly from the Dún Laoghaire Golf Club, DLGC where I was teaching in-person group classes up to our initial Covid-19 lockdown (in Ireland) in March 2020.
Currently, I teach two “Online – Golfes Pilates & Core Strength Classes” (1) Tuesday 10am-11am and (2) Friday 10am-11am (Irish time).

Here a list of the Pilates movements and their benefits:

Start with a 5min general Warm-Up and bit loosening and then repeat below sequence three times / three rounds:

    1. Shoulder Bridge – Version 1 – 5 repetition
      Benefits: Back/Spine Mobility, a whole Back/Spine Stretch
    2. Shoulder Bridge – Version 2 – 5 repetition (right/left)
      Benefits: Mid/Lower Back Strength, a bit Hamstring and Gluteal Strength
    3. Single Leg Stretch & Arms Cross Over – 10 repetition
      Benefits: Core Strength, a bit Shoulder Mobility & a Chest/Pec Stretch
    4. Turn & Tilt (seated) – 5 repetition (right/left)
      Benefits: Thoracic / Mid Back Mobility & Loosening

Contact me with any questions, comments or feedback you might have.

Please share this video with anybody who you think would benefit from this type of exercise.

Stay Fit, Stay Healthy and Stay Active!

News #13 Online Live Pilates Classes are back on Monday 18th May 2020 (from South Dublin, Ireland)

A brief message to let you know that I’m back teaching Online-Live-Pilates Classes from next Monday 18th May 2020, from my “Living-Room-Studio”.

The classes include, various Mid-Morning Pilates & Core Strength Classesevery morning Monday to Friday at 10am as well as two Tuesday Evening “Men Only Pilates” Classes.
.Online Live Pilates Classes in South Dublin Ireland are back from Monday 18th May 2020 onward
Here a detailed list of the Online Classes:

    1. Monday Morning – 10am – Beginners to Intermediate Pilates
    2. Tuesday  Morning- 10am – Golfers Pilates (DLGC – Dún Laoghaire Golf Club Members)
    3. Tuesday Evening – 6pm – Mens Pilates & Core Strength Class
    4. Tuesday Evening – 7.30pm – Mens Pilates & Core Strength Class
    5. Wednesday Morning – 10am – Beginners to Intermediate Pilates
    6. Thursday Morning – 10am – Over 60s, Active Seniors Pilates, Flexibility, Mobility
    7. Friday  Morning- 10am – Golfers Pilates (DLGC – Dún Laoghaire Golf Club Members)

Find a Full-Online Classes Timetable here or Contact me with any questions or queries you might have.

Covid-19 update – Live-Online Classes & Pre-Recorded Classes are coming soon … I’m working hard on getting everything in place ….

It has been a surreal time, over the last few days and weeks. Things around Covid-19 / Coronavirus evolve with an incredible pace and we have to adapt to a new way of living, interacting, socializing more online and on the phone etc and (1) Containing the virus, (2) Minimise the spreading, (3) Looking after the vulnerable, (4) Caring for those close to you, your neighbour and local community.

Since St. Patrick’s Day Tuesday afternoon, 17th March 2020, I’m working setting up and tweaking this website and getting live-online-classes and pre-recorded classes going as soon as possible to help you stay fit, mobile, flexible and active.  

Please REGISTER your INTEREST in these types of Online-Classes here, so I can contact you once the classes are up and running.

Stay Active, Stay Fit and Stay Positive !